William Sebrans
Astrology • Human Design • Life Coaching & Creative Renewal
"What matters most should never be at the mercy of what matters least." ~ Johann Goethe
Astrology • Human Design
• Duende Coaching/Activation Series
"The antidote to exhaustion is not rest,
but wholeheartedness." ― David Stendl-Rast
Click the
Tell Me Button!
Take 5 minutes and respond to the activating questions you'll find there.
I will take a look at your charts with no obligation from either of us to proceed until you are ready.
Whether you explore now or later, we'll be ready to explore with ease and cost-effective efficiency!
I offer interactive recorded sessions integrating Astrology, Human Design, The Gene Keys, & the Gurdjieffian Enneagram -- for anyone who is interested in evoking the best version of themselves and the moment they currently inhabit.
Further, I offer follow-on the Duende*Coaching Activation series, tailored to you, that takes the insights and revelations to the street in real-time in alignment with your needs, current challenges, and aspirations. This is great for astrology students, as well.
My perspective is evolutionary; I see life as a continuum of possibilities, rather than as mechanically-predicted courses of events.
I hold that each planetary influence, sign, and configuration has its most exalted, mundane, and shadow expressions – and that these different frequencies manifest more from an evolved choice rather than as dictated by external forces. This model is reflected in the Vedic teaching of the 3 Gunas: sattvic, rajasic, and tamasic.
My approach is a mix: practical, playful, methodical, contemplative, and creative. I believe your session experience should be both enjoyable and relational, and that its informative, practical effect be discernible in your experience.
While mystic poet Rumi's saying --"Language is a tailors' shop where nothing fits"— is a personal favorite, nonetheless, I am devoted to the adroit use of language to consciously inform all aspects of our being and to elevate our state.
"William has proven to be a real sherpa of a guide. A cosmic shaman equipped with insight, deep perception, linguistic intelligence, refined astrological wisdom, and a keen sense of humor. William uses these tools very intuitively and with great compassion to help reveal that which may otherwise be out of focus.
I highly recommend William and his very unique blend of tools to serve as your potential guide."
—Nathan Q., Audio Artisan & Sound Designer
individual sessions
The foundational sessions for astrology and the Human Design System are available by Zoom, phone, or in-person and last about 105 minutes, plus a short break in the middle to integrate, and I ask $225. I spend about 30-40 minutes preparing for the session which includes evoking your responses in advance to what would be hoped for outcomes from the time spent.
I also offer horary consultations, transit overviews, relationship readings, and specialized children profiles described in the Menu of Services.
The knowledge and insights gained in a reading/consultation are powerful and potentially life-altering.
That said, there can exist in these oracular affairs something called 'the workshop syndrome' - - a temporary buzz, followed by back-to-business-as-before.
For that reason and others, I encourage follow-on coaching/mentoring/activation with me for integrating the new understandings and putting them into actionable form. This series is particularly rich for learning astrology which I enjoy teaching to the ready, willing, and able.
The aim of this series is to access and embody your unique magical gift and to apply it practically on the dance floor of life. Borrowing from the Spanish poet - Garcia Lorca, I call that your 'Duende'.
individual sessions
This is where you have a question about a very specific life issue...work, relationship, property, health, travel, etc. and where you submit a focused question
around that issue.
Once I accept the question, then there is a chart cast for it, just like the chart of a newborn.
I will reach out to you for clarification if needed, and following my casting of the chart, offer either a written response or more often, a request to meet to explore what the chart symbolism suggests, which generally involves more complex dynamics that lay behind the question.
This is a divinatory methodology, dating back to the Hellenistic and Renaissance periods. My primary teacher in this approach has been Deborah Houlding of the School of Traditional Astrology.
Astrological Foundational reading/consult
100 minutes — $245.
**This reading is the most requested and essential.
We cover the major planetary influences in the natal chart, as seen from the various ways they can manifest — from the densest and most challenging up to the most
gifted and evolved expressions.
Here, you receive a distinct map of your inner and outer M.O., in all their exalted and shadowy potentials.
If there are key transits occurring during the season of the reading, they are referred to when appropriate. The session is interactive and unfolds according to what is of most interest to you and what I sense is most important.
Relationship reading
2 hours — $295.
Examines the natural interplay of tendencies between two people
— their mutual support, challenges, and possibilities.
These ranges take on a more elevated form when there is an evolutionary imperative within both parties, which is not always the case.
Relationship readings may apply to intimate relationships, or also in a work situation, between parents and children or other family members.
Astrological transit update
75 minutes — $175. Eclipse special—95 minutes
Highlights major transits for the coming specified period, usually one year.
Secondary Progressions and Solar Directions are part of the transit picture.
Unless you are quite seasoned in reading your own chart, I advise first the
Foundational Reading first, which may highlight relevant present-time transits.
Human Design Foundational Reading/Consult
100 minutes — $225.
Focuses on one's essential “mechanics” vs. conditioning patterns (not-Self).
HD origins, Type, Authority, Profile, Definitions, and one's natural, reliable way of moving through life are covered. (Incarnation Cross not covered).
Depending on the session, PHS (Primary Health System) and/or Gene Keys are touched upon.
The Gene Keys Transmission is a uniquely elevated resource for both unraveling what Eckhart Tolle refers to as "the pain-body" and for spiritual inspiration.
It's possible to look at the Gene Keys as a holistic, spiritual expression of the Human Design System. They both have value in the way that conventional medicine and functional or alternative medicine serve well in different contexts.
The Gene Keys is primarily a contemplative journey of sourcing oneself, and I baptize freely those who are resonant, as a form of service.
That said, there are three mentors whom I would recommend, available to guide you more deeply, and who are seasoned in life and in that sacred work.
They are Rosy Aronson, Tanmayo Lawson, and Peter Tongue.
Special Astrological Profile for your Child
aged 1 day to 18 years — $345.
For parents or the precocious child. As well, a perfect gift from grandparents, relatives and loyal friends.
The profiles are handcrafted and thorough, with compelling, artful images. They are rendered in jargon-free English and cliche-free perspectives. 1800 - 2200 words.
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"DUENDE" COACHINg/activation series
...brings home the insights, revelations, and aha's from the reading.
In this discovery process, you embody and practically apply those understandings to living your most inspired and authentic life, navigating any of the challenges and opportunities important to you.
Without practical grounding, the readings can go in one ear and out the other......or get lost in the hinterland of the psyche
45-day package* — $950, including six Zoom, phone, or in-person meetings at 55 minutes (at least), relevant e-mailing/chats, and surprise interventions of warm uplift and laser focusing. (*45 days being the time it takes, give or take, for an action or thought-habit to become rooted.)
What Duende* Coaching can mean for you ...
The coaching/mentoring relationship we make together is designed
to manifest what's most important to you in any of life's arenas:
work, finances, relationships, creative endeavors, growth, and Self-realization.
Astrology, Human Design, Enneagram, and other useful lenses can show us quite a detailed map, and then, the conversational field we co-create brings it to life.
Here's what you get
provocative & evocative questions
generous listening
useful challenges and requests
ongoing encouragements
relevant referrals
gentle accountability
ample sprinkles of fun
innovative brainstorming
— all on terms you endorse and adapted to your unique individuality.
What we are looking for is the experience of increased internal freedom and outer practical results.
You will find that your visions and trajectory are clarified and actualized more swiftly working together.
I believe you're worth it. Do you?
Write me now sharing your interest and questions: wsebrans@otherwiseworld.com
* The word "Duende" is borrowed from Spanish Poet Garcia Lorca's unique re-imagining of the word, where 'Duende' refers to one's primal gift and personal magnetism that radiate out from standing in whom one is uniquely designed to be.
It is the compelling power of personal presence without artifact, apology, or interference.
I like this one.
Meeting 3 - 5 times weekly over 21 days for 1 - 2 hours a day.
Variously referred to as ...“Deep Dive”, "Wide-Eyed Immersion”
or “No Angel Left Unmet” – you name your own program.
Together, we draw in people, resources, influences, and methodologies
as necessary, or as inspired to actualize very specific goals and directions.
In this approach – SUCCESS is the ONLY option.
Could this be you?
Contact me here to learn more: wsebrans@otherwiseworld.com
Hearing the call?
Click on one of the offerings above or contact this guy who will process your Destiny, pronto.