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On this page are pleasant sounds people have spontaneously uttered about working with me as an astrology/human design synthesizer, coach, activator, aspiring master of subversive uplift, and uncelebrated comedian.
They have not been paid to do so, my tax preparer tells me. I will correct this, pronto . . .

"Language is a tailor's shop where nothing fits." ― Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Rob Brezsny  author of the weekly column Free Will Astrology and the book "Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia":


"I'm not doing charts and personal consultations these days. In addition to writing my weekly column, daily horoscopes, and expanded audio horoscopes, I'm also working on a CD, and hatching three new books. Not to mention attending to the practice of that high art referred to as "having a life." There's no time left over!

But I can recommend a colleague whose ethical and spiritual values resonate with my own. He's William Sebrans."

Craig Neal —  creator of The Art of Convening, co-founder with his wife Patricia of The Center for Purposeful Leadership,  former publisher Utne Reader: 


"William Sebrans is the most insightful, creative, and wise "astrologer" I've worked with over many years. My readings with him have given me another wide angle lens on this one wild and precious life."

Jodie Evans — co-founder CODEPINK, peace activist, philanthropist, community organizer, fabulous space renovator:  


"William Sebrans is a love and gifted at using human typing systems and navigational maps of nearly anything: astrology, human design, enneagram, restaurant guides to copenhagen, and so on to open up the locked pathways in your life to expose the light, delight and possibilities for relating and integrating with self.  


He will take you on a wild romp with his facile mind, quick wit, and gift with words through the adventure of yourself.  Leaving you with touchstones to ponder and connections to explore.  I always have a delightful and educational time with this Wisefool."

Prajna O'Hara, M.A.  — author of Edge of Grace, Flowing River School founder, non-dual facilitator, international healing retreat organizer:


"When words are able to convey, my good friend and wise astrologer, William, has an uncanny ability to use them to simultaneously inspire, clarify, amuse, and ignite you or your group toward a unique and compelling expression of your life and your gifts."


"William is a transformational muse driven to create clarity and completion in the most undone places. With a kind, non-judgmental warm presence, his creative uplifting spirit makes him a welcome team player to almost any situation. He is a discerning coach, empathetic friend, and radically entertaining radio host."

Rosy headshot.jpg

Rosy Aronson, Ph.D. —  Gene Keys & Human Design mentor, creator of the Wisdom Keepers/64 Faces of Awakening, & visionary artist:


"I've been collaborating with a wonderful man who artfully combines his passion and gift for evolutionary astrology with his enthusiasm for Human Design.

For anyone interested in a more astrologically astute approach to the Human Design System, I can highly recommend William Sebrans. You will get a lot of useful, practical information about yourself, and what is more - - you'll have an unusually pleasurable, humor-filled, and enlightening experience. He's a master synthesizer and brings such a wealth of experience, goodwill, and talent to the table!"

Minx Boren — Master Certified Coach, ICF; past-President Executive Women of the Palm Beaches, Poet & Savvy Optimist, Chef:


.....Can you believe? She remains in stunned silence from our last session.

More coming....

John Seiffer — past-President of International Coach Federation:


"Coach William Sebrans is a very prescient fellow. He is wise, mystical, whimsical, and like Yoda, strongly in touch with the force.


I've found his outlook to contain a refreshing combination of simplicity and mythic importance. His coaching work is insightful, unusual, and has a quality that moves one along ones path with ease."


Laveena Brianne Archers Human Design Personal & Business Analyst, & Teacher


My reading on Friday with William Sebrans was so deep it took me a few days to integrate what was uncovered. I found our time together very valuable and informative! He put me at ease by being very kind, sensitive, and perceptive. I appreciated that he avoided a lot of technical jargon. 


William was extremely helpful in asking thoughtful questions as well as educating me during the session. I was able to open up and trust him with my situation and emotions. Thank you so much, William!


Jan Darwin Hutchins  — Mankind Project facilitator,  life coach, yoga adept,  former TV anchor & Mayor of Los Gatos, very serious golfer:


"I took advantage of William's special offer,  and was blessed beyond expectation. William knows his stuff, understands much about living and beautifully mixes compassion and insight. HIs words above, "a rocket blast out of some personal conundrum," best describe the effect of the reading on my life.


I received conceptual clarifications that turned confusion into confidence. HIs words have become tools empowering me to turn past traumas into present day turning points. I judge the reading marked the end of a chrysalis phase in my Hero's Journey and birthed a graceful readiness for flight. A word to the wise is, or at least should be, sufficient.

Rebecca Robertson — Director of the Pilates Studio and Manager of Group Fitness at the San Francisco Olympic Club.:


 "I have had my share of readings world-wide ~ William's authenticity and genius will rock you ~ Do it!"


Santi Diaz — educator, psychologist-in-training, adventurer, martial artist, lover of life:


"If any of you have the opportunity to sit down with William, coach and cosmic weatherman, and have a reading about your astrological chart, I highly recommend it.


Every time we speak, he basically does three things for me: first, he gives me a huge amount of information that nobody else can possibly give, and while some doesn't quite resonate, but some REALLY does; second, he encourages and inspires me to continue growing in my power as a human being, a teacher, and a young man; And third,  -  he calls me out on my bullshit (what I call it, not what he does) in a very direct, effective, and humorous way. (That last item is my favorite part) 


I still need more time to process before I fully understand what I've taken away from this particular reading, but I feel like I'm on the path I need to be with its opportunities and challenges, and I'm excited about where I'm going!"



You, too, are welcome to say something nice (or Otherwise), but maybe we should cook up a session first.


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